de·nom·i·na·tion /dəˌnäməˈnāSH(ə)n/ noun
1. a subgroup within a religion that operates under a common name, tradition, and identity.
KEY: Symbol and its Affiliated Religion
C Star and Crescent; Islam
O Ahimsa; Jainism
E Atomic Whirl[ Atheist
X Star of David; Judaism
I Khanda; Sikhism
S Rajitu. Taoism
T Cross; Christianity
2. the face value of a banknote, coin, or postage stamp.
KEY: Currency, Country
C cent; United States
O safety-deposit; Banks
E euro; European Union
X x currency; supranationals, precious metals, BitCoin*
I afghan; Afghanistan
S hryvnia; Ukraine
T lira; Turkey