Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rapid Prototyping Workshop

Kurosh ValaNejad (CTIN)
Ann Page (FA)

Day and Time:
Fri, Nov. 7th, 2008, 1-4p.m

USC Roski School of Fine Arts, Harris Hall 112D

ZPrinter 310 Plus

Maya, Rhino, ZPrint

This is not a Maya-modeling workshop

As part of the workshop, we will be printing up to 8 small (3″x3″x3″) models (4 from Fine Art and 4 from the Cinema school.) Let me know if you have something you would like printed (especially if it’s for a class project) . I will work with you to prepare your models for the printer. I may also use your models in the workshop, to describe the process for preparing virtual models for the 3D printer.

  1. Model cleanup in Maya
  2. File format conversion in Rhino
  3. Prepare printer and discuss specs
  4. Launch print job with Zprint
  5. Excavate, dust, infuse and apply finish
  6. Discuss projects that warrant this process
  7. USC Classes offering Rapid Prototyping facilities:
  8. Fine-Art, Architecture & Engineering’s Fab Lab 
  9. Online services
Complete Workshop Notes


25 participants included faculty from Interactive Media and Computer Science, grad students from Animation and Electrical Engineering, and undergrads from Architecture and the Business school.

Stereoscopic (Anaglyph) Image of Phonograph by Amanda Tasse

Spaceship by Melissa Bouwman

Female Figure by Scott Easley 

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Early Forrm of Cinema in Iran

Shahreh- Farang (Foreign City) 

These pictures were captured from this short clip about Iran’s Film Museum.
History of Filmmaking in Iran: Iran, A Cinematic Revolution.

Cyrus, my older brother, recently acquired the twin of the shahre-farang at Iran's Film Museum (in the upper image.) 

And we get a peek at the painted paarama ( of a foreign ciry) inside